Vodafone, India’s second largest telecom operator is all set to launch its Vodafone SuperNet 4G services in Pune. Though not launched officially by the company, We were able to test their 4G network here using a 4G sim from Nagpur where Vodafone has already launched its 4G services.
As Vodafone is yet to launch 4G services officially in Pune, it seems that they are testing their 4G network before officially announcing its launch as their 4G network falls back on 3G or 2G networks many times.
Pune is one of the important city for Vodafone in terms of its subscriber base and revenue. With this, the customers in Pune can enjoy high-speed internet on a wide range of devices including Mi-Fi and dongles. The city is known for its IT park and manufacturing Hub and hence, considering its High Data usage by corporate world, Vodafone cannot afford to delay the launch of their 4G services in Pune.
We will keep you posted as and when we have an update to share.