Cash Back Credit Cards are gaining popularity these days and there are very few cash back cards available in the Indian market. Though these cards have some Joining / Renewal fees, but the benefits outweigh the cost. Banks also attach many if’s and buts with these credit cards, some minimum transaction value say Rs.1000 in order to be eligible to get cash back, maximum capping per category per month, maximum cash back per month etc. However, One needs to choose right Cash Back Credit Card depending upon his / her spending pattern.
If you spend more on utility bills, movies, telecom bills etc, opting for cards like Citibank Cash Back credit card or Standard Chartered Super Value Titanium credit card would be more beneficial. If you spend more in Super Markets or Departmental Stores, Standard Chartered Manhattan credit card would be more beneficial. Again , minimum amount to be spent for a transaction to be eligible for cash back and Annual / Renewal fess etc should be taken into consideration before applying for Cash Back card.
Here are 5 Best Cash Back Credit Cards in India:
1) SBI Simply Save Card:
- Get 2,000 bonus points on spending Rs. 2,000 within the first 60 days.
- 2.5% fuel surcharge waiver for each transaction between Rs. 500 & Rs. 3,000.
- Redeem your reward points against your Credit Card outstanding balance or redeem against gifts from the rewards catalogue.
- Joining Fees and Renewal Fees Rs. 499+S.T ( Waived off if you spend Rs. 75000 & above in a year)
2) Citi Bank Cash Back Credit Card:
Best for paying online utility bills/ Movies / Telecom Bills etc.
- 5% Cash Back on movie ticket purchases.
- 5% Cash Back on all your telephone bill payments.
- 5% Cash Back on all your utility bill payments made online through Citibank Online Bill Pay.
- 0.5% Cash Back on all other spends.
- Cash back in the Telephone / Movies / Utility category is capped at Rs.100 per month for each category
Joining and Renewal fees: Rs.500+S.T
3) Standard Chartered Manhattan Credit Card:
This is the only cash back card available in the market which gives 5% cash back on your grocery, Super market and departmental stores spends. Though minimum transaction should be Rs.1000 in order to get cash back, but this not a big amount if you are spending in Super markets.
Conditions for cash back:
- Minimum transaction should be 1000 rupees
- Maximum cashback of 150 per transaction
- Maximum cashback of 500 per month
Joining fee Rs.499+S.T (Waived off if you spend Rs. 30,000 in the first year)
Renewal fees Rs. 999+S.T from second year onwards (Waived off if you spend Rs. 60,000 in a year)
4) Standard Chartered Super Value Titanium Credit Card:
This card is best for fuel spends, paying utility, Telecom bills etc
- 5% cash back on fuel at all petrol pumps in India. You will receive a 2.5% surcharge reversal and 2.5% cash back on the transaction amount at any petrol pump, be it BPCL, IOC, HPCL or Reliance
- 5% cash back on all telecom payments including phone bills across all service providers, be it Vodafone, Airtel, MTNL , Reliance, BSNL or TATA Indicomm
- 5% cash back on all utility bill payments, allowing you to save more on electricity, gas and water
Conditions for cash back:
- Minimum transaction amount for cashback eligibility is INR 750
- Maximum cashback per transaction is INR 100
- Maximum cashback per month is INR 500
- Rs.100 spend on all categories except fuel, telecom & utilities = 1 Rewards Points
Joining fees: Rs. 499+S.T (Waived off if you spend Rs. 30,000 in the first year)
Annual Fee Year 1: Nil
Renewal fees from 2nd year onwards Rs.750+S.T (Waived off if you spend Rs. 60,000 in a year)
- Savings up to Rs. 1,800 on your fuel purchases at stations across India
- Two reward points on every Rs. 150 spent for your retail expenditure
- 3X reward points for online purchases
- Rs. 250 cash back if you spend Rs. 1,000 in first 45 days
- A BookMyShow(BMS) voucher worth Rs. 200 for use on their website
- 5X reward points for the first three months after the card has been issued
Note: This is a Life Time Free Card and does not have any joining or Renewal / Annual fees.
If you select right card by carefully studying your spending patterns, cash back credit card will be a boon to you.